As its name, SimpleOres Mod 1.16.4/1.12.2/1.7.10 will add to Minecraft 5 new types of ore that will support you a lot when playing Minecraft. It is obvious that the mod is extremely simple and easy to understand that promises to give you more wonderful experiences when using.
About SimpleOres mod
Please remember that new ores when creating World will be randomly spawned underground or on rocky surfaces. The new ores in this mod are Copper Ore, Tin Ore, Mythril Ore, Adamantium Ore, and Onyx Ore. Of course, each type will have different functions that will bring to you more options when using.
Besides that, each type can be used to make armor and tools of the same type. For example, Copper Ore can create Copper Armor and Copper Tools, Tin Ore can generate Tin Armor and Tin Tools …
The special thing about this mod is that you also can use additional Fusion mods to combine with molten materials to create new alloying materials and use it to craft more special armor and tools, to enhance your own experience when playing the game.
It is no doubt that the SimpleOres Mod can support your more in creation in-game. Like other mods, ff you want to use this mod, it also requires Minecraft Forge and SimpleCore API to be installed first. It will not make you satisfied and certainly, you will have great experiences when you try this mod.